Eleven years ago today…

Eleven years ago today I had my last email exchange with Satoshi; here it is:

Subject: alert key
Satoshi Nakamoto satoshin@gmx.com
26 Apr 2011, 10:29

I wish you wouldn’t keep talking about me as a mysterious shadowy
figure, the press just turns that into a pirate currency angle. Maybe
instead make it about the open source project and give more credit to
your dev contributors; it helps motivate them.

I’ve moved on to other things and will probably be unavailable. Here’s
the CAlert key and broadcast code in case you need it. You should
probably give it to at least one or two other people. There are a few
long time users who are always around all the time.

My reply:
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Satoshi Nakamoto satoshin@gmx.com wrote:

I wish you wouldn’t keep talking about me as a mysterious shadowy figure,
the press just turns that into a pirate currency angle. Maybe instead make
it about the open source project and give more credit to your dev
contributors; it helps motivate them.

You must’ve read the Forbes article… yeah, I’m not happy with the
‘wacky pirate money’ tone, either.

More credit for the rest of the contributors is a very good idea.

RE: forwarding the key/code: fricking fracking… now I’ve gotta
figure out a couple of people who I can trust to keep them safe…

On a completely different subject: I did something that I hope turns
out to be smart, but might be stupid.

I was contacted by http://www.iqt.org/ – they’re a US-govt-funded
‘strategic investment’ company, and part of what they do is holding an
annual conference on emerging technologies for US intelligence
agencies. This year the theme is “Mobility of Money”.

They asked if I’d be willing to talk about Bitcoin, and I committed to
giving a 50-minute presentation and participating in a panel

I hope that by talking directly to “them” and, more importantly,
listening to their questions/concerns, they will think of Bitcoin the
way I do– as a just-plain-better, more efficient,
less-subject-to-political-whims money. Not as an all-powerful
black-market tool that will be used by anarchists to overthrow The

It might be really stupid if it just raises Bitcoin’s visibility on
their radar, but I think it is way too late for that; Bitcoin is
already on their radar.

I plan on posting about this on the forums soon, because “Gavin
secretly visits the CIA” would spin all sorts of conspiracy theories.
“Gavin openly visits the CIA” will create enough conspiracy theories
as it is.


Now read this

Block size and miner fees… again

I’m still seeing variations on this argument for keeping the one-megabyte block limit: The network will be more secure with one megabyte blocks, because there will be more competition among transactions, and, therefore, higher... Continue →